SecurVoice Privacy Edition

SecurVoice Privacy Edition is a completely new wireless communication solution and architecture which provides secure communications interoperability with any cell, satellite, walkie-talkie or VoIP phone system. You can download the 38k Java app from our secure locations world-wide and follow the simple instructions to install.

The internal software on your cell phone converts your voice in real-time into encrypted data which is then sent over your carriers infrastructure to the SecurVoice Enterprise Server where it is decrypted. It is then re-encrypted and sent over your carrier’s infrastructure the receiving cell phone where it is decrypted and is converted back to voice. SecurVoice also features a dual-layered encryption schema which provides full protection against covert listening devices. You may select different encryption algorithms.

The transmission process you see below highlights a number of examples. Phone to Phone (P2P) shows two smart phones connecting directly with each other using the standard voice channel with the SecurVoice application on both phones. Phone to Server (P2S) is shown when the SecurVoice Enterprise Server is connect to the corporation application servers, email/messaging servers and corporate PBX. Customers will have the choice of selecting which tracks utilize which algorithm. For example, from the Enterprise Server to the employee may be AES 128 encryption, while outbound to the caller may be Elliptical curve; making listening to your conversation impossible.

SecurVoice Transmission Process


SecurVoice Voice Operating Modes


In the clear (CSS): These are normal cell phone calls.  These calls are protected by whatever means is provided as a default by your cell phone carrier.

Phone to Phone (P2P): P2P calls are made directly from one cell phone to another cell phone without the use of a server and they are secure.

Phone to Server (P2S):  P2S calls route from the phone to the enterprise server that contains

the key management system.

Placing a Call

When a caller dials a number or accesses a number from the directory, SecurVoice intercepts the number and activates the SEND command. 

  • If the number is flagged as having a cryptographic key associated with it, then the call is automatically dialed as a SecurVoice call.
  • There is no reason to provide the customer with an option to disable the encryption for that call since all phone numbers associated with crypto keys are to be placed as SecurVoice calls. 
  • If the phone number is not flagged, the cell phone system operates normally and the call is placed unencrypted.  If the number to be called is flagged, the system retrieves the cryptokey and activates. 
  • Once activated the system makes the decision to conduct the call as either a CSS or a P2P call.  If the call is a P2P call, the call is encrypted unless the recipient is flagged as a “problem number”. 
  • In this case, the call begins as a standard unencrypted call, alerting the caller to provide an opportunity to convert to encrypted mode.

Receiving a Call

When a call is received, the SecurVoice software intercepts the call and activates the ACCEPT key.

  • The caller ID is examined by the software to determine if it is a known SecurVoice device.
  • The caller ID number is used as an index to retrieve the cryptographic key.  If the phone number displayed is flagged as a problem number but caller-ID is received then the Problem Number routines are ignored.
  • If the caller-ID is not present, then the call is handled as a normal phone call with the exception that the user can activate the SecurVoice feature upon selection of a valid crypto key.
  •   Note that there can be a race condition where the caller-ID number is not available when the call signal is received.  Mobile networks always send called-ID, but in rare circumstances caller-ID is not sent. 
  • If caller-ID is not sent, the call is dealt with as a normal, unencrypted call.


Options for Initiating Outgoing Secur Calls

  • Press Your "Logo Icon" Once
  • Enter 3 to 5 Digit Code Provided by Your IT Manager
  • Up To 3 Levels of Security May Be Loaded into Each Phone
  • Ability to Have 3 “logo Icons”, 1 for Each Level of Security
  • Ability to Have 3 Sets of 3 – 5 Digit Codes, 1 for Each Level



Options for Recognizing Incoming Secur Calls

  • Phone Will Vibrate
  • Phones Logo Icon Will Flash
  • Phone Will Have Distinctive Ring Tone
  • Ability to Have 3 Different Icons Flash, 1 for Each Level
  • Ability to Have 3 different Ring Tones, 1 for each level



Enterprise Secur Server         Set-up

  • Ability to Monitor All Secure Calls
  • Ability to Monitor, 1 / 2 or All  3 Different Levels of Security
  • Ability to Record All Secure Calls
  • Ability to Record, 1 / 2 or All  3 Different Levels of Security
  • Ability to Conference All Calls
  • Ability to Conference, 1 / 2 or All 3 Different Levels of Security


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